Reproductive Report
Lakeview Community School District
Report on Achievement of Goals and Objectives
HIV/AIDS and Sex Education
June 2020
Background Information
In June of 2004, the Michigan state legislators passed Public Acts 165 and 166 which modified Michigan laws related to sex education in public schools. Public Acts 165 and 166 outline the planning, training, and implementation mandates for HIV/AIDS and sex education (PA 165 of 2004) and a parent compliant process (PA 166 of 2004).
These acts stipulate the make-up of each district’s Sex Education Advisory Board as well as their roles and responsibilities. Part of the role of the Sex Education Advisory Board is to:
- Establish program goals and objectives for pupil knowledge and skills that are likely to reduce the rates of sex, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases; and
- At least once every 2 years, evaluate, measure, and report the attainment of program goals and objectives established under subdivision (a). The board of a school district shall make the resulting report available to parents in the school district. 380.1507
Public Acts 165 and 166 also stipulate that school districts are required to teach about dangerous communicable diseases, including but not limited to, HIV/AIDS. §380.1169 HIV/AIDS must be offered at least once a year at every building level (elementary, middle/junior, senior high) and each person who teaches K-12 pupils about HIV/AIDS shall have training in HIV and AIDS education for young people. §380.1169
Approved Goals, Objectives, and Curricula
The Lakeview Community School District (LCSD) Sex Education Advisory Board has recommended and the LCSD Board of Education has approved the following goals and objectives for the K-12 program of instruction in HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, and sex education. The goals and objectives are aligned with state laws, the State Board of Education Policy to Promote Health and Prevent Disease and Pregnancy (2003), and the Grade Level Content Expectations as well as the Michigan Merit Curriculum Credit Guidelines for Health Education, recently adopted by the Michigan Board of Education (2007).
To equip students with the knowledge and skills to develop healthy relationships and to avoid sexual behaviors that put them at risk for HIV, STDs, and unintended pregnancy.
At the end of the K-12 HIV/STD and sex education program of instruction, students will be able to:
- Analyze characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships.
- Evaluate positive and negative influences on sexual decisions.
- Evaluate the possible emotional, physical, and legal consequences of early sexual activity.
- Advocate for abstinence as the only 100% effective way to avoid pregnancy, HIV and STDs.
- Accurately assess their risks for HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.
- Demonstrate effective skills for avoiding or escaping risky sexual situations.
- Demonstrate effective skills to access and correctly use condoms and other risk reduction methods.
- Communicate with parents and other trusted adults regarding reproductive health, relationships, and sexual decisions.
- Seek additional information, support, and services as needed.
The LCSD Sex Education Advisory Board has reviewed and recommended and the LCSD Board of Education has approved the following curricula for implementation with students at each of the building levels.
Grade 3:
- HIV/AIDS Education (2006). Michigan Model for Health®, Grade 3. 1 lesson.
The Elementary Counselor/Cooperatives Teacher implements the approved reproductive health curriculum.
Total School Enrollment |
Students in Grade 3 |
Number of 3rd Grade Sections |
Lakeview Elementary School |
411 |
80 |
4 |
Grade 5:
- Jenison Public Schools (Grade 4 & 5) Reproductive Health Curriculum.
- Puberty: The Wonder Years (2007). Tier A. Six lessons.
Total School Enrollment |
Students in Grade 5 |
Number of 5th Grade Sections |
Lakeview Middle School |
320 |
79 |
3 |
The Counselor at the Elementary School implements the 5th Grade Reproductive Health Curriculum.
Grade 7:
- Willing To Wait Program (2009) Pregnancy Resource Center, 8 lessons in 8 weeks. Taught in the 7th grade Science class by Willing To Wait staff.
Total School Enrollment |
Students in Grade 7 |
Number Grade Sections |
Lakeview Middle School |
320 |
82 |
3 |
Grade 9:
- Decision For Health (Level Yellow) appropriate chapters. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston
The Health Education Teacher at the High School implements the approved curriculum.
Total School Enrollment |
Students in Grade 9 Health Course |
Number of 9th Grade Health Sections |
Lakeview High School |
388 |
81 |
3 |
Each LCSD teacher responsible for implementing the sex education program in LCSD has the appropriate certifications and endorsements required to teach health, has received training about HIV/AIDS, and has attended training offered by the intermediate school district in sex education and in the curriculum they are responsible for teaching.
Preparation for Program Evaluation
On March 19, 2008, the district’s Sex Education Advisory Board met and approved a recommendation to evaluate our program with a pre- and post-test. On November 9, 2009 it was decided to continue using the same pre- and post-tests.
The instruments were developed using items from the Chief Council of State School Officers CCSSO) sponsored State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS) searchable database called HEAP (Health Education Assessment Program). This searchable database allows the selection of individual items based on the content area (based on health education content areas), skill (based on National Health Education Standards), and grade level (elementary, middle, and high school). The database provides both content or knowledge (selected response) and skill (constructed response) items. The database contains over 1500 test items that were piloted using a national sample.
Items for the instruments were selected from the database based on their correlation to concepts and skills taught in the district approved curricula. The items for Grade 3 & 5 were selected response items measuring knowledge only, due to the limited number of lessons taught. The middle and high school test instruments include both selected and constructed response items, measuring both knowledge gain and skill development. The same items are used for both the pre- and post-test. The instruments are unique to each grade level.
The elementary instrument for grade 3 includes 12 questions addressing definitions of HIV and universal precautions to prevent being infected with HIV.
The middle school instrument for grade 5 includes 16 questions on puberty and male and female reproductive organs. The middle school instrument for grade 7 includes 9 questions addressing relationships, influences on sexual decision making, benefits of abstinence and consequences of early sexual activity, limit setting, prevention of HIV and other STDs, communicating with parents and other trusted adults, and seeking information and support.
The high school instrument includes 50 questions addressing relationships, influences on sexual decision making, benefits of abstinence and consequences of early sexual activity, skills to avoid and escape risky situations, prevention of pregnancy, HIV and other STDs; communicating with parents and other trusted adults, and seeking information and support.
The pre- and post-test instruments were submitted to and approved by the Sex Education Advisory Board during their November 2009 meeting. The Willing to Wait instruments were approved when LCS adopted the Program in the Spring of 2010.
Implementing the Evaluation
Parents were made aware of the tests by information sent home to the parents/guardians.
Students took the pre-test in their classroom after parent notification and prior to the beginning of instruction. The post-test was administered after the conclusion of instruction. Special accommodations were provided to students with limited reading or English language proficiency.
Evaluations Results
Due to COVID-19 school closures, the data from grades 3, 7 and 9 was calculated from scores taken from the Spring and Fall Health classes in 2019. The 5th grade data was calculated from scores taken in the Spring of 2019 and Winter of 2020.
The district results of the pre- and post-tests are as follows:
Grade 3 |
Pre-test |
Post-test |
Change |
Mean score for all questions |
79% |
87% |
8% |
Grade 5 |
Pre-test |
Post-test |
Change |
Mean score for all questions |
70% |
90% |
20% |
Grade 7 |
Pre-test |
Post-test |
Change |
Mean score for all questions |
65% |
83% |
18% |
Grade 9 |
Pre-test |
Post-test |
Change |
Mean score for all questions |
63% |
87% |
24 % |
Overall, the instructional program significantly increased students’ knowledge and skills. Students showed gains in test scores at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
Next Steps
The district’s Health Advisory Board meets yearly to review current and past curriculum and the effectiveness of the current program. Members on the Health Advisory Board also sit on the Sex Advisory Board. All evaluation data will be presented to the District Health Committee and the Sex Advisory Committee will meet as needed to discuss necessary changes in curriculum or evaluation tools. The last annual Health Advisory Board meeting was held on Tuesday, February 5, 2020. The LCS Board of Education received all Health Reports, including the MiPHY results from the 2018 survey, at the monthly Board Meeting on February 11, 2019.
Accessing the Results
Additional copies of this report are available at the Central Office, 602 Washington St., Lakeview, MI, 48850.